Impianti Fotovoltaici

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Impianti Fotovoltaici

L’efficientamento energetico oggi è uno dei focus dell’attività, per questo motivo, CNS ha investito nella creazione di un comparto specializzato in energie rinnovabili ed in particolare nella realizzazione di impianti fotovoltaici.
CNS TECH progetta, realizza, manutiene e protegge impianti fotovoltaici realizzati sia su tetti che in campi.
Per pubbliche amministrazioni, imprese e cittadini. Una soluzione a 360 gradi che accompagna il cliente in ogni fase del progetto che va bel oltre l’accensione dell’impianto. CNS attraverso l’ausilio di strumenti di ultima generazione è in grado di proteggere l’impianto da effrazioni, danneggiamenti o furti sia dei pannelli che dei cavi. Grazie al collegamento diretto con la centrale operativa presidiata H24 è in grado di intervenire sul posto inviando una pattuglia di GPG

How It Works

As buildings and business requirements differ, we will work with you to arrive at the design best suited for you in order to minimise loss of stock and assets, reduce damage to property and provide an early warning system for your staff.

Instal the System

A small system comprises of a control panel, break glass call point and sounders and some automatic detectors.

Control Metricks

There can be a number of influencing bodies such as your insurer, local authority and your risk assessment process.

Feel Secure

Our fire engineers can install products so our trained operators can giving you peace of mind when away from your premises.

Fast Fire Detection, Faster Response

When every second counts, monitored smoke and heat sensors can help detect the first signs of fire. Then our monitoring centers can quickly alert your local fire department and send you a text or alert as soon as fire is detected in your home.

  1. 1

    Get alerts on your mobile device if smoke or fire are detected

  2. 2

    Unlock all exit doors to let in first responders

  3. 3

    Turn off the air in your home to slow the spread of smoke

See More Features

As buildings and business requirements differ, we will work with you to arrive at the design best suited for you in order to minimise loss of stock and assets, reduce damage to property and provide an early warning system for your staff.

Smoke Detectors

Where there’s smoke, there’s fire. And as quickly as our advanced. A complete range of self contained emergency lighting.

Emergency Button

You may only have a split second to call for help in an emergency. A complete range of self contained emergency lighting.

Carbon Monoxide Detectors

You won’t smell CO if there’s a leak, but these sensors will but it. A complete range of self contained emergency lighting.

Fire Extinguishers

Full range of portable fire extinguishers. A complete range of self contained emergency lighting.

Flood Sensors

A quick alert can help you protect valuables from flood. A complete range of self contained emergency lighting.

Emergency Lighting

A complete range of self contained emergency lighting. A complete range of self contained emergency lighting.

Here To Help Your Every Day Protect Need.

Stop worrying about technology problems. Focus on your business. Let us provide the support you deserve.